Q. What is an Auto-refractor? A: Auto-refractors are machines that automatically determine the correct lens prescription for your eyes. If you’ve discovered you might need vision correction during your eye examination, it’s vital to determine just how “much” […]
Presbyopia and Solutions for the Aging Eye About Vision Before the Onset of Presbyopia Normal Pre-Presbyopic Vision enables sight of both near and distant objects in similar sharp focus through to the mechanism of accommodation. In youth, accommodation is […]
By Gary Heiting, OD http://www.allaboutvision.com/eye-exam/contrast-sensitivity.htm Your contrast sensitivity test results can help your eye doctor determine if you have vision errors known as higher-order aberrations or some other problem that could be corrected with eye surgery. Custom or […]
Custom LASIK surgery refers to the use of wavefront technology to create a three-dimensional digital map of a person’s cornea. This cornea map is highly detailed, able to identify even the most minute of imperfections on the corneal […]