Another surgery for presbyopia that can reduce the need for reading glasses is monovision LASIK. In this technique, the LASIK surgeon fully corrects the distance vision of one eye (usually the dominant eye), and intentionally makes the non-dominant eye mildly nearsighted.
Monovision LASIK is effective in lessening near vision problems caused by presbyopia because a mildly nearsighted eye sees near objects clearly without glasses. So, after monovision LASIK, the dominant eye takes the lead to provide clear distance vision and the non-dominant eye is responsible for sharpening near vision.
Though the two eyes continue to work together as a team, distance vision typically is not as crystal-clear after monovision as it would be if the non-dominant eye wasn’t nearsighted.
Still, most people who undergo monovision LASIK feel the convenience of being able to see acceptably well at all distances without glasses is worth the tradeoff of accepting the minor loss of clarity in distance vision that monovision entails.
Also, if additional distance vision clarity is desired for specific activities (such as driving at night) after monovision LASIK, special-purpose eyeglasses or contact lenses can be prescribed that correct the nearsightedness in the non-dominant eye and optimize distance vision.
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